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Mental health status among female sex workers in Tabriz, Iran

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A heated debate: theoretical perspectives of sexual exploitation and sex work.

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All eligible female prostitutes had a record in state welfare offices, health care centers and drug rehabilitation centers and also street. In the same way that pornography or any other form of sexual entertainment is a component of the sex industry. Brothels are establishments that.

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The assessment of anxiety states by rating.

Finally, threats of violence from partners can worsen the mental health of FSWs, leading to more severe symptoms of anxiety and depression.

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Table 1.

Model 3: Independent variables: Sociodemographic characteristics, alcohol use, child and partner abuse and stress, depression and anxiety. The Body.
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Simons et al. For each of the 6 models, we show the results both with and Prostitutes Tabriz the control variables. Like Table 2Table 3 shows that economic violence from clients and threats of violence from partners are associated with symptoms of depression in FSWs. Int J Qual Methods. This is because most FSWs have no employers and find clients on the streets, Prostitutes Tabriz, and at clubs.

Prostitution is illegal in Iran, and incurs various punishments ranging from fines and jail In Tehran, Tabriz, and Astara, the number of teenage girls exploited in. This study aims to have an evaluation of mental health among female sex workers in Tabriz for the first time in northwest of Iran. In this cross-sectional.

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